Nokia 3120c

If this record contains wrong information, please add new record with correct information and the record will be replaced after review. All records were filled in by users and there is no guarantee that they are correct.

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Fonctionnalités supportées


connection = bluephonet

Reporter Note

sms:Could only view sent messages, most of which appeared in the read folder and some of which were garbled. Could not create or send.

calendar:Could view and create, although could not delete event.

todo:Could view and create items, although could not delete event.

call:Could view calls list fine, making calls not tested.

filesystem, call (making calls), logo, ringtone, mms were not tested.

About entry

Created by Samuel Jaeschke on 30 mai 2010 14:42.

Tested with Gammu 1.24.0.

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