Samsung GT-M2520

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connection = at

Reporter Note

--------------- System information ---------------- Platform linux2 Python 2.7.4 wxPython Wammu 0.36 python-gammu 1.32.0 Gammu 1.32.0 Bluetooth PyBluez locales es_CL (UTF-8) connection at device /dev/ttyACM0 model
Sat 2013/07/13 04:03:22: [Gammu - 1.32.0 built 12:45:32 Jun 29 2012 using GCC 4.7] Sat 2013/07/13 04:03:22: [Connection - "at"] Sat 2013/07/13 04:03:22: [Connection index - 0] Sat 2013/07/13 04:03:22: [Model type - ""] Sat 2013/07/13 04:03:22: [Device - "/dev/ttyACM0"] Sat 2013/07/13 04:03:22: [Running on - Linux, kernel 3.8.0-26-generic (#38-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jun 17 21:43:33 UTC 2013)] Sat 2013/07/13 04:03:22: [System error - open in serial_open, 2, "No existe el archivo o el directorio"] Sat 2013/07/13 04:03:22: Init:GSM_TryGetModel failed with error DEVICENOTEXIST[4]: Error abriendo dispositivo, no existe. Sat 2013/07/13 04:03:22: Entering GSM_SetIncomingSMS Sat 2013/07/13 04:03:22: Entering GSM_SetIncomingCall Sat 2013/07/13 04:03:22: Entering GSM_SetIncomingCB Sat 2013/07/13 04:03:22: Entering GSM_SetIncomingUSSD Sat 2013/07/13 04:04:16: [Gammu - 1.32.0 built 12:45:32 Jun 29 2012 using GCC 4.7] Sat 2013/07/13 04:04:16: [Connection - "at"] Sat 2013/07/13 04:04:16: [Connection index - 0] Sat 2013/07/13 04:04:16: [Model type - ""] Sat 2013/07/13 04:04:16: [Device - "/dev/ttyACM0"] Sat 2013/07/13 04:04:16: [Running on - Linux, kernel 3.8.0-26-generic (#38-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jun 17 21:43:33 UTC 2013)] Sat 2013/07/13 04:04:16: [System error - open in serial_open, 2, "No existe el archivo o el directorio"] Sat 2013/07/13 04:04:16: Init:GSM_TryGetModel failed with error DEVICENOTEXIST[4]: Error abriendo dispositivo, no existe. Sat 2013/07/13 04:04:16: Entering GSM_SetIncomingSMS Sat 2013/07/13 04:04:16: Entering GSM_SetIncomingCall Sat 2013/07/13 04:04:16: Entering GSM_SetIncomingCB Sat 2013/07/13 04:04:16: Entering GSM_SetIncomingUSSD

About entry

Created by natofe on 13 juillet 2013 12:06.

Tested with Gammu 1.32.0.