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There are currently 537 phone records from this vendor. To change existing entries, simply add new one, they will be reviewed and the old ones will get deleted eventually.

NomConnexionFonctionnalités supportées
Samsung GT-S3650 blueat sms, phonebook, call
Samsung GT-S3650 blueat phonebook
Approuvé Samsung GT-S3653 blueat info, sms, phonebook
Samsung GT-S3653W at sms
Samsung GT-S5230 blueat info, sms, phonebook
Samsung GT-S5230 at115200 phonebook
Samsung GT-S5230 at19200 info
Samsung gt-s5230 blueat info, sms, phonebook, enhancedphonebook, calendar, todo, filesystem, call, logo, ringtone, mms
Samsung GT-S5230 dku2phonet filesystem, call, logo, ringtone, mms
Samsung GT-S5230 at19200 info, sms, phonebook, enhancedphonebook, calendar, todo, filesystem, call, logo, ringtone, mms
Samsung GT-S5230 at19200 info, sms, phonebook, enhancedphonebook, calendar, todo, filesystem, call, logo, ringtone, mms
Samsung GT-S5230 at19200
Samsung GT-S5230 blueat info, sms, phonebook, enhancedphonebook, calendar, todo, filesystem, call, logo, ringtone, mms
Samsung GT-S5230 blueat info, sms, phonebook, enhancedphonebook, calendar, todo, filesystem, call, logo, ringtone, mms
Samsung GT-S5230 blueat info, sms, phonebook, enhancedphonebook, calendar, todo, filesystem, call, logo, ringtone, mms
Samsung GT-S5230 blueat info, sms, phonebook, enhancedphonebook, calendar, todo, filesystem, call, logo, ringtone, mms
Samsung GT-S5230 blueat info, sms, phonebook, enhancedphonebook, calendar, todo, filesystem, call, logo, ringtone, mms
Samsung GT-S5230 blueat info, sms, phonebook, enhancedphonebook, calendar, todo, filesystem, call, logo, ringtone, mms
Samsung GT-S5230 fbusdlr3 info, sms, phonebook, enhancedphonebook, calendar, todo, filesystem, call, logo, ringtone, mms
Samsung GT-S5230 dlr3 info, sms, phonebook, enhancedphonebook, calendar, todo, filesystem, call, logo, ringtone, mms
Samsung GT-S5230 dlr3 info, sms, phonebook, enhancedphonebook, calendar, todo, filesystem, call, logo, ringtone, mms
Samsung GT-S5230 blueat sms
Samsung GT-S5230 blueat sms
Approuvé Samsung GT-S5230 blueat info, sms
Approuvé Samsung GT-S5230 at info, sms, phonebook, call
Approuvé Samsung GT-S5230W at info, sms, phonebook
Samsung GT-S5233A at115200 info, sms, phonebook, enhancedphonebook, calendar, todo, filesystem, call, logo, ringtone, mms
Approuvé Samsung GT-S5233S blueat info, sms, phonebook
Approuvé Samsung GT-S5233T Non supporté
Approuvé Samsung GT-S5250 at115200 info, phonebook, calendar
Approuvé Samsung GT-S5250 blueat info, sms
Samsung GT-S5250 at115200 info, sms, phonebook, enhancedphonebook, calendar, todo, filesystem, call, logo, ringtone, mms
Samsung GT-S5250 fbusdlr3
Samsung GT-S5260 at info, sms, phonebook, enhancedphonebook, calendar, todo, filesystem, call, logo, ringtone, mms
Samsung GT-S5260 at info, sms, phonebook, enhancedphonebook, calendar, todo, filesystem, call, logo, ringtone, mms
Samsung GT-S5260 blueat info, sms, phonebook, call
Samsung GT-S5300 at19200 info, sms, call
Samsung GT-S5300 bluerffbus
Samsung GT-S5360 at19200 info, sms, call
Samsung GT-S5360 dku2at
Samsung GT-S5360 dku2at info, sms, phonebook, enhancedphonebook, calendar, todo, filesystem, call, logo, ringtone, mms
Samsung GT-S5360 phonetblue info, sms, phonebook, enhancedphonebook, calendar, todo, filesystem, call, logo, ringtone, mms
Samsung GT-S5560 at19200 info, sms, phonebook, enhancedphonebook, calendar, todo
Samsung GT-S5570 at115200 info
Samsung GT-S5570 at115200
Samsung GT-S5600 at115200 info, phonebook
Samsung GT-S5600 at115200 info, phonebook
Samsung GT-S5600 fbusdlr3
Approuvé Samsung GT-S5600 at19200 info, sms, call
Approuvé Samsung GT-S5600L at info